Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Prayer Request

I, Heidi, am going to my dentist again tomorrow, Thursday at 1pm, so he can make some more adjustments to my splint and see if we can fix the pain I'm having. We have determined that the headaches I get tend to start in my jaw. Since I received a prophetic word about a year ago to go see this dentist, I've been seeing him for about 10 months and we've tried 2 splints. Please pray specifically for these things:
  • Wisdom for Dr. Chad, that God would show him exactly what needs to happen
  • That I would be filled with hope in this process
  • For God to move on my behalf through the use of technology and training
Recently, a friend recalled a story about his wife's physical healing. When she asked people to pray for her she said, don't pray for grace and strength for me to get through this, b/c God is already going to give me that. Pray for complete and miraculous healing and have faith for it.

I would ask the same of you, my dear friends. God has given me tremendous grace for 4 1/2 years and He will continue to do so. Please pray for a physical completion of what He did for me on the cross. My Heavenly Father divinely led me to this dentist and I would love for this to be a testimony of God's power and faithfulness to Dr. Chad and his staff. And I don't want to be in pain anymore :)

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