Thursday, October 27, 2005

Coffe shop girl

That's me! I used to work at Starbucks a few years ago and as of next Tuesday, I am once again a "Cute Little Starbucks Girl." (That's a song title from a band Tim likes.) I'm excited about it; it's a fun job. It's also the new Starbucks on Grand Avenue right next to where Amanda works. I'm following her! We can be neighbors. This isn't quite the door marked 'how to advacne your career,' but this is the door that the Lord opened and therefore, I'm pumped. So, Nicole, now we both work in coffee shops. Only mine is a chain and I'm pretty sure yours is independent. Although, do they even have chains in Cananda? :P Just kidding!!! If only we worked together - how fun!

Well, since it's now time to rejoin the working world, I'd better live it up this weekend!!!


Anonymous said...

YEA!!! I'm so glad you landed the job! And how fun that Amanda is close by :)

Anonymous said...


Nicole MacIver Okiring said...

Oh yah, ummm, I quit my job at the coffee shop so I could work more at the I miss free coffee!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the job Heidi, thats great news!!!


Unknown said...

Matt, skypark????

Nicole, come and visit me and I'll score you free coffee ;)

Nicole MacIver Okiring said...

AWESOME! I'm on my way! Hee Hee

Anonymous said...

I can smell the beans... wish Colorado was Closer to your shop. I would like a good cup.

caffine freak.