Friday, January 26, 2007

Tim's 2006 movie awards

The Academy Award nominations are out and, as usual, I have not seen most of the films. As usual, I do not care to see most of them. Since most of the movies that I have enjoyed this past year are “popular” and “money making” they are not up for an Oscar. (In fairness, Heidi and I plan to see The Pursuit of Happyness, The Last King of Scotland, and The Blood Diamond, since we have heard that they are good.) In my humble opinion, the best movies this year were Pirates 2, Lady in the Water, X3, and Mission Impossible 3. My favorite indie film was The Second Chance. My vote for best movie of the year is United 93. Worst movie of the year is Friends With Money. Two decent movies that could have been better were Nacho Libre and Invincible. In the category of comedies that were not actually funny are The Break Up and You, Me, and Dupree. The movie with the most potential and least payoff was Flags of Our Fathers. The movie that entertained me far more than I expected was Rocky Balboa. In 2006 there were no films like Lord of the Rings or Narnia that became instant classics, but there were some good ones.

Please add comments on your favorites and least favorites of 2006.

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